1: How long does Fizzeology last?

Fermented foods are known to last for up to or around 3 years, depending on how well they are stored. We suggest that our products last about 1 year give or take several months.

Fermented Foods 101

Lacto- Fermentation is a process that occurs in certain conditions. Naturally occurring bacteria grow from the vegetables with the help of salt and the right temperature. The ideal temperature to ferment is 64 degrees F. When the temperature drops, fermentation slows down. Before refrigeration, people used fermentation as a means to hold veggies through the winter. If fermented vegetables are stored in refrigeration, without light, they will taste good for around 3 years.

Fermentation occurs in the absence of oxygen. Once exposed to oxygen, other processes take place and change the quality of the food. If you have an open jar in the fridge, it will taste like the fridge if it is exposed to oxygen, the flavor will also change. Light will also make the food oxygenate or darken. So, it is best to keep the vegetables submerged in juice. If the juice runs low, simply replace with a little salted water- just a dash of salt for a few tablespoons of water is enough (we use 2% salt by weight).

The low PH of the food makes it safe to eat regardless of quality of flavor, so it is safe to smell and taste the food, you can decide if it is still good without worry about safety.

2: Why don’t you have a best used by date?

Since our products can last up to 3 years, it really depends on how the product is stored. The stamped numbers on top of the jar tell you the day the product was made and the day it was packed according to the day of the year- 1 being Jan. 1 and 365 being Dec. 31 so this will tell you when it was made and packed.

If your product smells good and tastes good, it is good.

3: When I opened my jar it overflowed. Is it still safe to eat?

All of our products are living foods. They are raw/unpasteurized to preserve the gut-health-boosting bacteria within, which continue to actively ferment inside the jar. Sometimes, you may open a jar and no explosion will occur. Other times, it may pop and overflow similar to champagne. Either way, it is still safe to eat.

4: The lid of my jar is bulging - is it safe to eat?

Yes. Bulging is caused by off-gassing from healthy fermentation bacteria that causes a build-up of pressure under the lid. The amount of off-gassing is variable from jar to jar, but sometimes the pressure build up can cause bulging or distortion of the jar lid.


If your questions were not answered please contact us with any questions or concerns you still have.

We will update our FAQ as we get more questions from you.